
AutoFlow 4:G, the leading body shop management system, is proud to announce the integration of Microsoft Power BI to our platform.

Experience the power of data analysys

Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool, allows AutoFlow users to visualise and analyse data through a selection of dashboards.

The integration of Power BI into AutoFlow 4:G gives bodyshop managers the ability to access real-time data and make data-driven decisions that can greatly improve their business operations. With a few clicks, users can view dashboards that display key metrics. The visual representation of this data makes it easy to identify trends and make informed decisions that can help increase efficiency and profitability.

One of the key benefits of Power BI is its ability to display valuable data in an easily digestible format. Accessing real-time data with the click of a button, allowing them to make quick decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

By integrating Power BI into our platform, AutoFlow is providing bodyshop managers with further valuable insights into their business operations. With access to real-time data and powerful analytics, our customers can make informed decisions and drive growth and success for their business.

Don't miss out on this exciting new addition to AutoFlow 4:G! Contact the team today to experience the power of Power BI.

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