Your Profiles

Your personal profile is how Cortex will interact with you.

Your name is used on the site to record your actions and history and your email is used to receive notifications and used as an identifier for logins.

One User, One Account

Is your access email shared? Because your account is unique to you, sharing it can cause potential issues.

If your colleague shares these details, ask them to create their own account or if this isn't your email address, use the form provided in this area to request additional access. There is no limit to the amount of people allowed to register from one bodyshop.

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Help & Support

Simple, efficient and free customer updates

Cortex provides the means to communicate with your customer and to engage with them on a digital level.

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Help & Support

Getting the most from Green Earth Initiative

Find our more about the customer journey and the way you can help with the digital tools available.

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Help & Support

Understanding the feedback process

All customers are given the option to leave feedback on the repair journey they had, learn how it works and what you need to do.