The summary page is an overview of the audit and provides clarity on your current completion, progression and identifies any issues or non-compliance items.

This is an overview of the sections of the audit and the progression made, as well as indicating level of compliance.

You can use the edit button to jump back into the audit and amend and update at anytime.


Audits may be split into sections, and clicking on each of these will show you responses for that particle section.


Showing the replies to each of the questions and the level of compliance, you can filter each section or compliance level.


provides a record of activities on your audit by date and user. This could be you, your colleagues, or the auditing team at Vizion.

Understanding the icons

Progression Percentage of questions addressed
Compliant Compliant on this question, no action required
Non Compliant Action required, refer to action plan
Ready to start your audit?

Ready to start your audit?

Look at the audits associated to you and make a start.

Your Audits